We can collect personal data about you when you use these Services. We have created this Confidentiality Policy to explain what we do with it.

What is personal data?

Personal data (‘Data’) is information that makes it possible to identify you:

- directly, such as your name or email address;
- or indirectly, such as your customer number or IP address.


We collect your Data when you use our Services.

We store your Data only for the time needed to carry out the operations for which it was collected, except when we need to assert our legal rights or are legally required to retain it for a different period of time. At the end of these retention periods, your Data is erased or anonymised.


User actionData collectedData usageReason for processing (legal basis)Retention period
Purchase of a Ledger productName, email address, delivery and billing address, phone number, company name, intra-community VAT number, product bought, delivery method and payment, order amount, currencyProcessing orders, invoices and payments, delivery, analytics, preventing fraud, managing complaints and sending notificationsPerformance of the contract you agreed with Ledger upon buying one of our productsActive database: 3 months from delivery of the product Archive: 10 years (tax and accounting obligations)
Request to receive marketing emails (including our newsletter)Email address, campaign number, logsSending emails on our latest developments, promotions and customer surveysConsent to receive marketing emails3 years from the request
Request sent to customer services (on the dedicated platform or through social media)Name, email and postal address, telephone number (for product exchanges), Handle used on social media, content of our exchanges, identification document (if verification is necessary)Processing the request, quality control, verifying information is correct and preventing fraudLedger’s legitimate interest5 years from the request
Browsing our websites Please note: We collect your Browsing Data using various technologies such as cookiesConsent or refusal to save cookies on your deviceCookies are saved (or not saved) on the deviceLegitimate interest6 months from the user’s decision
IP address, operating system, browser, devices used, date and time of visit, URLs of clickstream to, through and from our website, products viewed and searched, download errors, duration of visit on certain pages, interaction between pagesProcessing the request, quality control, verifying information is correct and preventing fraudLedger’s legitimate interest5 years from the request


We share your Data with:

  • Our technical service providers who help provide the Services (e.g. delivery, online payments and combating fraud).
  • Our subsidiaries, when they help provide the Services.
  • Our partners who use your Data to offer you:
    1. Services accessible from Ledger Live, or
    2. Personalised adverts. The list of these partners can be found in our Cookies Policy.
  • - Other companies to which we could sell or assign all or part of our activities.

The administrative or legal authorities or any other authorised third party where this data sharing is set out in law.


We implement all technical and organisational measures we deem necessary to safeguard your Data at an appropriate level of security, including:

  • Payment information security: your payment information is encrypted using a secure commercial Internet protocol (TLS) and is never stored on our server.
  • An awareness programme and employee training.
  • Encryption during exchanges and storage.
  • Regular audits of data hosting companies.
  • Data redundancy for more resilience in the event of catastrophe.
  • Role-based authentication.
  • Two-factor authentication for our authorised contributors.
  • Continuous monitoring of the system.
  • Security assessments in line with industry standards.
  • Security tests and intrusion tests by independent third parties.

To assess the level of appropriate security, we take into account, among other things, the nature of the Data and the risks its processing presents. Although we strive to ensure an optimal protection of your Data, we would remind you that transmitting information on the Internet is not entirely secure.

Modifications to our Confidentiality Policy

We can modify our Confidentiality Policy if we deem it necessary or if the law requires it, and you accept these modifications in continuing to use our Services.

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